• ABOUT US

    Member Assistance Program

    Ready for Help | About MAPWell-being & Mindfulness Resources | Taking Care of Yourself | "Surviving" Staying-at-Home | Online Meetings | Avoid Cabin Fever

    Ready for help, but don't know where to start?

    Starting your journey back to health and well-being can be overwhelming but the Member Assistance Program is here to help. Call MAP at 602.340.7334 - it's confidential and we can help with some suggestions to get you going in the right direction.
    Learn more about the Member Assistance program and other available resources below.  


    Member Assistance Program - A free, confidential service

    The Member Assistance Program, also called "MAP", offers a peer support network of volunteer lawyers who have been trained to offer support to lawyers, judges and law students or their immediate families, who experience issues in their personal or professional life. Why allow things to continue unresolved? Help is available.

    You are not alone. Recent studies show that lawyers suffer from substance use disorder, addiction, depression and anxiety at a rate higher than the average population, and at a rate higher than many other professionals.  

    Our Peer Support Network of volunteers is here to help.  You may call anyone on the list, or you may call us to be matched with someone. All calls to MAP and to MAP's volunteers are confidential under Supreme Court rule.

    If you have questions, or want to be matched with a peer volunteer, call us at 602.340.7334.


    Lawyer Well-being & Mindfulness Resources

    NEW!!  Thanks to Hon. Donn Kessler (ret.) for compiling this list of resources on mindfulness, meditation and well-being.

    Be sure to check out our new Lawyer Wellness and Well-Being pages.

    We know this is a rough time. Here are some resources that may help. And don't forget, our peer support network of volunteers is here for you!



    Taking Care of Yourself

    The pandemic has impacted us in so many ways, some more obvious than others. 

    Have you thought about how working from home may have affected your posture? Here's an article exploring the impact with some tips for improvement.


    Tips for "Surviving" Staying-at-Home

    Are you facing a new challenge now that you are remotely working from home? Instead of being gone from home for a while every day, we are staying home. While we (hopefully) enjoy being with family, being with them all the time can be daunting. Here are some tips for making it through these stay-at-home days and weeks.

    How to Not Completely Hate the People You're Quarantined With, from Wired.

    How to Work From Home Without Losing Your Mind, from Wired.

    Practice 2.0 Guide to Working Remotely


    Looking for Online Meetings?


    Avoid Cabin Fever

    Thanks to our friends at the Delaware Lawyer Assistance Program for sharing these ideas.